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Previous Changes to WASDE


  • Starting with the May 12, 2023, release (issue No. 636), the following change will be made to the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report:

    • The wheat WASDE by-class tables (page 11) will add separate lines for imports, food use, seed use, and feed and residual use.

    Download mock WASDE tables, including the revised table (PDF, 799 KB)

  • Changes to WASDE starting May: Starting with the May 12, 2022 release (issue No. 624), the following changes will be made to the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report:

    • The sugar WASDE table (page 16) will have a separate line listing under “Imports” for High-tier tariff imports. The new line will appear directly below the line for imports from Mexico. Footnote 5 which once referenced imports from Mexico; and high-tier tariff sugar and syrups not otherwise specified will be eliminated.
    • The U.S. Dairy Supply and Use table (page 33): The table will remove CCC Donations as a separate category and include all donations as part of domestic use. As such, stocks, imports, exports, and use will reflect total rather than commercial use and the headings will be adjusted accordingly.

    See the May WASDE tables mock-up (PDF, 269 KB)

  • Changes to WASDE starting May: Starting with the May 12, 2021 release (issue No. 612), the following changes will be made to the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report:

    • U.S. Soybeans and Products Supply and Use (page 15): “Biofuel” will replace “Biodiesel” in the soybean oil section, reflecting recent changes to the monthly biofuels data reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The WASDE will follow soybean oil used for biofuel as reported in the Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update - Table 2C (PDF, 287 KB).
    • World Soybean Meal Supply and Use (page 29): Soybean meal supply and use for China will be presented separately.
    • The U.S. Rice Supply and Use table (page 14): The table will include separate categories for U.S. imports of long-grain and combined medium and short-grain rice. The addition is made due to the significant rise in U.S. imports of long-grain and medium- and short-grain rice over the past decade.
    • The United Kingdom officially left the European Union on January 1, 2021; the trade bloc now has 27 member states instead of 28. Beginning with the January 2021 WASDE report, the heading for the EU-28 region will change from “European Union” to “EU-27+UK”. Starting May 2021, (when projections for the new Marketing Year are released), the UK data will be disaggregated from the regional total and presented separately in the report, where applicable.

    See the May WASDE tables mock-up (PDF, 908 KB)

  • Due to the discontinuation of USDA’s published estimates of dried-egg stocks, U.S. egg supply and use tables (XLSX, 17.1 KB) published in the WASDE are adjusted to reflect removal of historical dried-egg inventory estimates.

  • Announcement: Upcoming Changes to the May 2019 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report
    Starting with the May issue, the following changes will be made to the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE):

    • Price range forecasts will be eliminated in favor of single price points for all crops and livestock
    • The international Supply and Use tables for Crops will include an aggregate value for “World less China,” representing the balance sheet values outside of China.
    • The ordering of countries and lists of Major Importers/Exporters will be updated to eliminate outdated aggregations (such as “Former Soviet Union), and better reflect current trade patterns.

    A detailed list of changes and tables that will be modified can be found here

  • China’s National Bureau of Statistics published extensive revisions for the production and area of certain field crops going back to 2007/08. The revisions to wheat, rice corn, soybeans (meal and oil), rapeseed (meal and oil) and peanuts (meal and oil) were first reflected in the November 2018.

    Spreadsheets showing the revised data, previous data, and the differences can be accessed at grains revisions and oilseed revisions.

  • Egg Supply and Use: U.S. egg import and export estimates from 1990 forward are adjusted to reflect changes in the conversion factors for shell egg equivalency, including its dry- to liquid-egg and liquid- to shell-egg components. U.S. egg stock estimates from 1994 forward are adjusted to reflect the above changes in conversion factors as well as inclusion of dry-egg inventory estimates. U.S. egg supply and use tables from second quarter, 1994, onwards are adjusted as a result of revised trade and stock estimates.

  • Dairy Supply and Use: U.S. dairy import, export and stock estimates going back to 1995 were adjusted to reflect changes in fat basis and skim-solids basis conversions and changes in the products used for the aggregate stocks estimates.

  • China corn feeding and stocks were revised from 2013/14 through 2015/16. Feed and residual use was lowered by a total of 28.0 million metric tons and FSI consumption was raised 4.0 million metric tons. Lower feed and residual use the result of higher imports and consumption of alternative feedstuffs reflecting relatively high domestic corn prices. China corn ending stocks were raised nearly 23.8 million metric tons for 2015/16.

    Estimates of Brazil corn feeding and stocks were revised for the years 2006/07 through 2011/12. Feed and residual use was raised by a total of 5.0 million metric tons during those years and stocks were lowered by a total of 5.0 million metric tons.

  • WASHINGTON, May 7, 2015 – The next World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, which will be released at 12 noon ET on May 12, will present USDA's initial assessment of U.S. and world crop supply and demand prospects and U.S. prices for the 2015/16 marketing year. It will also present the first calendar-year 2016 projections of U.S. livestock, poultry, and dairy products.

    The WASDE U.S. Wheat Supply and Use Table on page 11 and the U.S. Feed Grain and Corn Supply and Use Table on page 12 have been reformatted to delete "CCC Inventory, Free Stock and Outstanding Loans." The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) grain inventories have been small to non-existent in recent years. The Outstanding Loans data are available from the Farm Service Agency website.

    An example of the table changes on pages 11 and 12 are found on the following two sample WASDE pages (PDF, 110 KB).

  • WORLD AGRICULTURAL SUPPLY AND DEMAND ESTIMATES REPORT TO INCORPORATE ONE CHANGE WASHINGTON, May 1, 2014 – The next World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, which will be released at 12 noon ET on May 9, will present USDA’s initial assessment of U.S. and world crop supply and demand prospects and U.S. prices for the 2014/15 marketing year. It will also present the first calendar-year 2015 projections of U.S. livestock, poultry, and dairy products. The 2014 Farm Bill eliminated the Dairy Product Price Support Program and the Dairy Export Incentive Program and created a Dairy Product Donation Program requiring USDA to purchase dairy products for donation to food banks and other feeding programs during periods of low operating margins for dairy producers. The WASDE U.S. Milk Supply and Use table on page 33 has been reformatted because of these changes. The “CCC Net Removals” subcategories under Fat Basis Use and Skim-solid Basis Use have been changed to “CCC Donations.” The category for “CCC product net removals” for butter, cheese, nonfat dry milk and whole milk powder has been eliminated. An example of the change is found on following sample WASDE page.

  • WASHINGTON, May 8, 2013 – The May 10 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, which will be released at 12 noon EDT, will present USDA’s initial assessment of U.S. and world crop supply and demand prospects and U.S. prices for the 2013/14 marketing year. It will also present the first calendar-year 2014 projections of U.S. livestock, poultry, and dairy products. Changes to the May WASDE will include the following: • On pages 20 and 21 in the World Coarse Grain Supply and Use table, Brazil is moved from “Selected Other” to “Major Exporters.” • On pages 22 and 23, in the World Corn Supply and Use table, Brazil is moved from “Selected Other” to “Major Exporters.” • On page 28, in the World Soybean Supply and Use table, Paraguay is listed separately under “Major Exporters,” and Uruguay is now included in the “Major Exporters” total. Examples of these changes and five sample WASDE pages for the 2013/14 marketing year can be found on the “Historical Revisions” page on the WASDE website, located at:
    Background on USDA’s WASDE report and past issues of the report are available at:

  • The May 10 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, which will be released at 8:30 a.m., will present USDA’s initial assessment of U.S. and world crop supply and demand prospects and U.S. prices for the 2012/13 marketing year. It will also present the first calendar-year 2013 projections of U.S. livestock, poultry, and dairy products.


    Changes to the WASDE soybean and products and milk supply and use tables will include the following:

    • On page 15 (example on next page), in the U.S. Soybeans and Products Supply and Use (Domestic Measure) table, the separate breakouts for Methyl Ester and Food, Feed, and Other Industrial under the Domestic category are eliminated. Replacing these is a single category labeled Domestic Disappearance. The projection for Methyl Ester is discontinued because reliable data measuring the use of soybean oil for this purpose are no longer available.
    • Also on page 15, under the Soybean Meal section, Domestic is replaced with Domestic Disappearance. This is a label change only.
    • On page 28, in the World Soybean Supply and Use table, Major Importers is adjusted to include Vietnam as part of Southeast Asia.
    • On page 29, in the World Soybean Meal Supply and Use table, China and Eastern Europe are removed from Major Importers. Japan is added to Major Importers. Southeast Asia is listed separately under Major Importers and is modified to include Vietnam.
    • On page 30, in the World Soybean Oil Supply and Use table, Pakistan is removed from Major Importers. North Africa (which includes Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia) is added to Major Importers.
    • On page 33, in the U.S. Milk Supply and Use table, import and export estimates are adjusted to reflect changes in the tariff lines and conversion codes used to compute milk-equivalent aggregations for both milk fats and skim solids.

    Changes to the WASDE soybean and products and milk supply and use tables.

  • WASHINGTON, Oct. 25, 2012 – The November 9 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, which will be released at 8:30 a.m. EST, will include changes to the WASDE soybean and products table. On page 15 (example on following page), in the U.S. Soybeans and Products Supply and Use (Domestic Measure) table, Domestic Disappearance will show breakouts for “Biodiesel” and “Food, Feed, other Industrial.”

    The projection for Methyl Ester, which represented the use of soybean oil for biodiesel production, was discontinued in the May 2012 WASDE. Biodiesel production data are now published on a monthly basis by the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA) in the Monthly Biodiesel Production Report available at Projections and final estimates for biodiesel published in WASDE will reflect the EIA data in that report.

    The current WASDE report and information on how the report is prepared are available at:

  • (XLS, PDF)

    Five-area monthly weighted average direct slaughter steer prices negotiated, total, all grades, are available from April 2010 back to April 2001. (XLS, PDF)

    U.S. commercial imports for dairy products are adjusted to include additional tariff lines back to 2004. (XLS, PDF)

  • On August 12, 2022, the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE) was reposted to correct an error in the write-up of the sugar section. Mexico production was reported as 5,185,050 metric tons. The correct amount is 6,185,050 metric tons. The sugar tables were not affected. The PDF and Excel files were corrected and posted at 1:10pm on August 12.

  • On May 12, 2022, the May World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report (issue #624) was reposted to correct an error in the Livestock, Poultry and Dairy section of the discussion text. On page 5, the text referring to the 2022 dairy forecasts was corrected to read, “The Class III price is unchanged and Class IV is lowered.” Neither the U.S. Milk Supply and Use table nor the U.S. Dairy Prices table were affected. The PDF file was corrected and posted at 2:25 pm on May 12.

  • On April 12, 2022, the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE) was reposted to correct an error in the write-up of livestock and poultry. The text is corrected to “For 2022, beef imports are forecast higher from last month based on recent trade data.” The livestock supply and use tables were not affected. The PDF file was corrected and posted at 9:20 am on April 12.

  • On June 10, 2021, the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE) was reposted to correct an error in the write-up of sugar section. The Mexico production was reported as 5.200 MT. The correct amount is 5.700 million MT. The sugar tables were not affected. The PDF file was corrected and posted at 1:15 pm on June 10.

  • On March 9 2021, the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE) was reposted to correct an inadvertent transposition error only in the write-up of sugar section. In two instances, Mexico’s exports to the U.S. in 2020/21 were reported as 903,703 STRV. The correct amount is 930,703 STRV as correctly reported in the WASDE sugar table as originally published. The PDF file was corrected and posted at 5:00 pm on March 9.

  • On December 14 2018, the December WASDE report and milk supply and use table was reposted to correct the forecast exports on a fat basis for 2019 on page 33 from 11.0 billion pounds to 10.0 billion pounds. As a result, domestic commercial use was adjusted from 215.3 billion pounds to 216.3 billion pounds.


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