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Accessibility and Legal Services

View USDA materials translated into multiple languages and find help for your interpretation, accessibility and legal needs

Translation and Interpretation Services

Many USDA materials have been translated into other languages. Translation and interpretation assistance are available to meet your needs.

Agency-Specific Translation Services

Translated Resources and Interpretation Services
Translated materials on topics including pandemic assistance, farm loans, disaster assistance and more, as well as guidance for accessing interpretation services for Farm Service Agency and Natural Resources Conservation Service assistance.

National Institute of Food and Agriculture Language Access Services
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) offers translation services of its web content and program information free of charge.

Limited English Proficiency Resources

Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons are individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand the English language. Statutes and authorities that prohibit exclusion from participation in, denial of benefits of, and discrimination under federally assisted and/or conducted programs on the ground of race, color or national origin require USDA and our grantees to provide meaningful access to all programs for LEP persons.

LEP Website
A collection of resources to help expand and improve language assistance services for individuals with limited English proficiency, in compliance with federal law, including language access planning tools, interpretation resources, language maps and more.

Department of Justice LEP Brochure
This brochure provides information on what federal agencies and federally assisted programs should know about providing services to LEP individuals.

Accessing Information in Accessible Formats

USDA is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities by meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 USC 794d), as amended in 1998. Section 508 is a federal law that requires agencies to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to electronic information and data comparable to those who do not have disabilities unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency.

If you require assistance or wish to report an issue related to the accessibility of any content on this website, please email You may also contact a representative from the USDA Section 508 Coordination Team. More information on Section 508 and the technical standards can be found at

Read USDA’s Web Accessibility Statement

Requesting Alternative Formats

The USDA TARGET Center converts USDA information and documents into alternative formats, including Braille, large print, video description, diskette and audiotape. For more information, visit the TARGET Center's Website or call the Center at (202) 720-2600 (Voice/TTY). Learn more about the TARGET Center’s resources.

Reasonable Accommodations Contacts
The USDA TARGET Center partners with the USDA Disability Employment Program to ensure customers requesting assistive technology have access to the latest list of Reasonable Accommodations Contacts.

Technical Assistance

Helpful Legal Resources

Certified Mediation Program
In mediation, a trained, impartial mediator helps participants review and discuss their conflicts, identify options to resolve disputes and agree on solutions. Mediated topics can be agricultural loans, wetland determinations, pesticides, lease issues and more.

Agricultural Law Information Partnership
The Partnership is a collaboration between the National Agricultural Library, National Agricultural Law Center and the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems at Vermont Law School. Partners produce a range of tools and guides on agricultural and food systems legal research. Key audiences include attorneys, agricultural professionals and the general public involved in agricultural industries in the United States.

Forest Service Legal and Administrative Information
Some partnerships have formal arrangements that involve legal documents or administrative tasks. Consult with the Forest Service Grants and Agreements team on these agreements.


Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
OASCR's mission is to provide leadership and direction for the fair and equitable treatment of all USDA customers and employees while ensuring the delivery of quality programs and enforcement of civil rights. OASCR ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies for USDA customers and employees regardless of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and expression), religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital or familial status, political beliefs, parental status, protected genetic information, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all bases apply to all programs.)

Farmer Fairness
Help USDA ensure fair and competitive livestock and poultry markets. You can file a complaint or tip if you suspect a violation of the Packers and Stockyards Act or any other Federal law governing fair and competitive marketing and contract growing of livestock and poultry.

USDA Hotline
The USDA Hotline was created to allow people the opportunity to report violations of laws and regulations that relate to USDA programs.

National Appeals Division
The National Appeals Division (NAD) is an office that reports directly to the Secretary of Agriculture and is, by law, independent from the direction and control of any other agency within USDA.  The sole mission of NAD is to conduct impartial administrative appeals hearings of adverse program decisions by the following USDA agencies: the Farm Service Agency, the Risk Management Agency, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Rural Housing Agency, the Rural Business Cooperative Service, and the Rural Utilities Service.  

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Page last updated: July 19, 2023


One central entry point for you to access information and help from USDA.