Telework and Remote Work Guidance
USDA is committed to building a workplace and workforce that helps USDA truly become the People’s Department and a best place to work. Building back employee trust in the workplace is one of the Administration’s top priorities. Below is the new policy on Remote Work and Telework.
USDA DR-4080-811-002 Telework/Remote Work (PDF, 314 KB)Telework and Remote Work FAQs
Telework/Remote Work training for federal workers is available for free in and All the requirements for telework are the same requirements that apply to a remote worker. Thus, completing the required telework training is applicable to any USDA employee who voluntarily agrees to a remote work arrangement.
- AgLearn Training
Examples of helpful training courses found in AgLearn are:
- Remote Work Foundations
- Staying Organized While Working Remotely or On-Site
- Tips for Working Remotely
- Level Up Your Remote Team Experience
- Managing Skills for Remote Leaders
- Managing Remote Teams: Setting Expectations, Behaviors, and Habits
- Leading Remote Projects and Virtual Teams
- Leveraging Virtual and Hybrid Teams for Improved Effectiveness
- Building Your Visibility Online as a Remote Leader
- How to Create and Run a Brilliant Remote Workshop
- Facilitating Sustainable Change
- Organizations Change So Get Ready
- Communicating in Times of Change
- How to Be an Adaptable Employee during Change and Uncertainty
- Managing Stress
- Managing Stress for Positive Change
- OPM Training
Access free OPM training telework training for employees and supervisors at the following link: