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Broadband Initiative Program

Rural Wisconsin Residents to Benefit from a USDA-Funded Broadband Expansion Project

July 25, 2012 Kelly Edwards, USDA Rural Development Public Information Coordinator

It goes without saying that broadband-high speed internet has changed the way we live our lives. And it should . . . this is the digital age. For many it is hard to imagine how you would get by without it. With access to the internet, one can easily sell a car, find and apply for a job, read the...


USDA Recovery Act Funding Buoys Broadband Expectations for Rural Illinois

September 08, 2010 Joan Messina, Illinois USDA Public Information Coordinator

The excitement was readily apparent when Rural Development Illinois State Director Colleen Callahan and Governor Pat Quinn announced Aug. 31 that 66,000 Cellular One customers in 11 east central Illinois counties would be getting high speed Internet service.

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